
A collection of horizontally aligned IconButtons. The IconButtons can be split into groups by adding a divider. When there is not enough space, IconButtons that don't fit will be added to an overflow menu.

Page navigation navigation

Use an ActionBar to render multiple buttons in a row. Buttons can be split into groups by adding a divider. When there is not enough space, buttons that don't fit will be added to an overflow menu.

React examples


Small size variant

ActionBar has 3 size variants: large, medium (default), and small.

With dividers

Dividers can be added to visually group related buttons. However, don't use a divider at the beginning or end of the ActionBar.

With text button children

ActionBar button guidelines

Demo of overflow behavior

When the buttons don't fit in the available horizontal space, they're moved to an overflow menu. Dividers from the ActionBar are preserved in the overflow menu.

More code examples

See the ActionBar Storybook stories


Loading data for actionbar...