Product UI Components ActionList ActionList ActionList is a vertical list of interactive actions or options. It's composed of items presented in a consistent, single-column format, with room for icons, descriptions, side information, and other rich visuals.
The simplest usage of an ActionList
Item one Item two Item three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
ActionList items can contain render non-interactive content, typically a visual such as an icon, before or after the item content.
Item one Item two Item three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.LeadingVisual >
< Avatar src = " " />
</ ActionList.LeadingVisual >
Item one
< ActionList.TrailingVisual >
< PencilIcon />
</ ActionList.TrailingVisual >
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.LeadingVisual >
< Avatar src = " " />
</ ActionList.LeadingVisual >
Item two
< ActionList.TrailingVisual >
< PencilIcon />
</ ActionList.TrailingVisual >
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.LeadingVisual >
< Avatar src = " " />
</ ActionList.LeadingVisual >
Item three
< ActionList.TrailingVisual >
< PencilIcon />
</ ActionList.TrailingVisual >
</ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Similar to a trailing visual, except it triggers a secondary action when activated.
Trailing action guidelines
Item one Expand sidebar Item two (with link TrailingAction) Some action two Item three Some action three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item >
Item one
< ActionList.TrailingAction label = " Expand sidebar " icon = { ArrowLeftIcon } />
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
Item two (with link TrailingAction)
< ActionList.TrailingAction as = " a " href = " # " label = " Some action two " icon = { ArrowRightIcon } />
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
Item three
< ActionList.TrailingAction label = " Some action three " icon = { BookIcon } />
</ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Item dividers guidelines
Item one Item two Item three < ActionList showDividers >
< ActionList.Item > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Item one Lorem ipsum dolor
Item two Sit amet consectetur
Item three Adipiscing elit
< ActionList >
< ActionList.Item >
Item one
< ActionList.Description > Lorem ipsum dolor </ ActionList.Description >
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
Item two
< ActionList.Description > Sit amet consectetur </ ActionList.Description >
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
Item three
< ActionList.Description > Adipiscing elit </ ActionList.Description >
</ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Item one Lorem ipsum dolor
Item two Sit amet consectetur
Item three Adipiscing elit
< ActionList >
< ActionList.Item >
Item one
< ActionList.Description variant = " block " > Lorem ipsum dolor </ ActionList.Description >
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
Item two
< ActionList.Description variant = " block " > Sit amet consectetur </ ActionList.Description >
</ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item >
Item three
< ActionList.Description variant = " block " > Adipiscing elit </ ActionList.Description >
</ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
A variant used to highlight an action that requires extra attention from the user.
Danger item guidelines
Item one Item two Item three Delete < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item variant = " danger " > Delete </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Inactive items that are non-functional due to some system state such as an outage.
Inactive item guidelines
Item one Unavailable due to an outage Item two Item three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item inactiveText = " Unavailable due to an outage " > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Loading item guidelines
Item oneLoading Loading Item two Item three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item loading > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Item one Item two Item three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item disabled > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
Selection state guidelines
import React from 'react'
import { ActionList } from '@primer/react'
const items = [ { label : 'Item one' } , { label : 'Item two' } , { label : 'Item three' } ]
export default function SingleSelect ( ) {
const [ selectedIndex , setSelectedIndex ] = React . useState ( 0 )
return (
< ActionList selectionVariant = " single " role = " menu " aria-label = " Item " >
{ items . map ( ( item , index ) => (
< ActionList.Item
key = { index }
role = " menuitemradio "
selected = { index === selectedIndex }
aria-checked = { index === selectedIndex }
onSelect = { ( ) => setSelectedIndex ( index ) }
{ item . label }
</ ActionList.Item >
) ) }
</ ActionList >
Selection state guidelines
import React from 'react'
import { ActionList } from '@primer/react'
const items = [ { label : 'Item one' } , { label : 'Item two' } , { label : 'Item three' } ]
export default function MultiSelect ( ) {
const [ selectedIndices , setSelectedIndices ] = React . useState < number [ ] > ( [ 0 ] )
const handleSelect = ( index : number ) => {
if ( selectedIndices . includes ( index ) ) {
setSelectedIndices ( selectedIndices . filter ( i => i !== index ) )
} else {
setSelectedIndices ( [ ... selectedIndices , index ] )
return (
< ActionList selectionVariant = " multiple " role = " menu " aria-label = " Item " >
{ items . map ( ( item , index ) => (
< ActionList.Item
key = { index }
role = " menuitemcheckbox "
selected = { selectedIndices . includes ( index ) }
aria-checked = { selectedIndices . includes ( index ) }
onSelect = { ( ) => handleSelect ( index ) }
{ item . label }
</ ActionList.Item >
) ) }
</ ActionList >
Items Item one Item two Item three
Listings Listing one Listing two Listing three < ActionList >
< ActionList.Group >
< ActionList.GroupHeading as = " h3 " > Items </ ActionList.GroupHeading >
< ActionList.Item > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList.Group >
< ActionList.Group >
< ActionList.GroupHeading as = " h3 " > Listings </ ActionList.GroupHeading >
< ActionList.Item > Listing one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Listing two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Listing three </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList.Group >
</ ActionList >
Item one Item two Item three Item four Item five Item six Delete < ActionList >
< ActionList.Item > Item one </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item two </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item three </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Divider />
< ActionList.Item > Item four </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item five </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Item > Item six </ ActionList.Item >
< ActionList.Divider />
< ActionList.Item variant = " danger " > Delete </ ActionList.Item >
</ ActionList >
The previous examples are a curated subset of the full capabilities of the ActionList
component. For more examples, see the ActionList Storybook stories .
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