
Button is used to initiate actions on a page or form.

Page navigation navigation

React examples


Style variants

  • Primary: Highest-priority action; use sparingly. Never put more than one in a group of buttons, and rarely use more than one per page.
  • Default: Default style for general actions. They can be paired with a primary Button to perform a secondary action.
  • Invisible: Transparent for minimal UI or compound components like ActionList.
  • Danger: Used sparingly for destructive actions, typically prompt a confirmation dialog.


Size variants

  • Medium (default): Best for most interfaces.
  • Small: For compact spaces or less prominent actions.
  • Large: Use sparingly to emphasize an action. More often than not a medium sized Button will be more appropriate.

With a leading visual

Leading visuals add context to Button labels. For example, a “search” icon next to the label for a search field submit.

With a trailing visual

Trailing visuals such as counters display additional information about the action or task at hand.

With a trailing action

Trailing actions (for example: a triangle icon to indicate a dropdown) are fixed at the Button's end. The Button label and leading visual is center-aligned for calls-to-action and left-aligned for buttons that toggle a selection UI (for example: Weeks ▾, Iteration ▾, Sort ▾, etc).


Use a loading state while waiting for action completion. See Button loading state for accessibility details.



Inactive state guidelines

More code examples

The previous examples are a curated subset of the full capabilities of the Button component. For more examples, see the Button Storybook stories.


Loading data for button...