
Dialog is a floating surface used to display transient content such as confirmation actions, selection options, and more.

Page navigation navigation

React examples


With subtitle

Side sheet (right)

Regular viewport Dialog placement guidelines

Responsive positioning: bottom-sheet in narrow viewports

Narrow viewport Dialog placement guidelines

Height and width size variant

  • Small: The small size variant is used for Dialogs with very little content.
  • Medium (default): Used for most tasks such as completing a form or selecting an option from a list.
  • Large: Large Dialogs are suitable for content that requires more horizontal space for the body compared to size medium, such as a comment box.
  • Extra large: Before using an extra large Dialog, consider whether or not the content would be more appropriate for a new page.

By default the Dialog height will adjust to the height of the body content. If the maximum height is reached, the body contents will scroll.

This example uses the 'small' height and width variant.

More code examples

See the Dialog Storybook stories


Loading data for dialog_v2...