
NavList renders a vertical list of navigation links.

Page navigation navigation

A NavList organizes navigation links for the user's current context and indicates which view they're currently on. It is typically used as a sidebar that changes what is rendered in the main content area.

React examples


Grouped item sections

Use groups to simplify navigation in long lists. For visual sections without semantically grouping items in a nested ul, use dividers.

Nested subnav items

Top-level items can expand/collapse sub-items. Only the top-level items act as toggles, not links. Use up to 4 nesting levels—reconsider your navigation design if you need more.

Do not replace your NavList with a TreeView to support a deeply nested navigation structure. A TreeView is never an accessible replacement for navigation, as it serves a different purpose and is not recognized as navigation by assistive technologies.

Items with leading visuals

Leading visuals are commonly used to show a visual hint for what the item is. For example, an icon or avatar that represents the view being linked to.

Items with trailing visuals

Trailing visuals are commonly used to show auxiliary information about the item. For example, a count of unread notifications on the page.

Items with trailing actions

More code examples

See the NavList Storybook stories


Loading data for nav_list...