
PageHeader determines the top-level headings of a UI.

Page navigation navigation

Landmark usage

Pageheader allows usage of different HTML landmarks to create a more accessible UI. The usage of header and nav regions are allowed within PageHeader, both with different use cases.

PageHeader with header landmark

When utilizing landmarks, it's best to ensure that you’re using them correctly. For the header landmark you should follow these guidelines.

  • Only utilize header if one does not currently exist on the page.
  • Utilize header if the PageHeader consists of site-oriented content, typically existing at the top of the page.
  • Ensure that when used on PageHeader, that the component itself is not within other landmarks, such as main.

PageHeader with nav landmark

Navigation landmarks are best utilized to group links that pertain to navigation of the page. You can have multiple navigation landmarks, but it’s important to ensure that each unique navigation element has a unique label attached, either via aria-label or aria-labelledby. You can utilize PageHeader.Navigation as a navigation landmark through the as prop. This further extends the accessibility of this component, as it allows users to navigate via landmarks easier. It’s important to note that if you utilize a component with an existing navigation landmark such as UnderlineNav then you should not use PageHeader.Navigation as a navigation landmark, as this would be a duplicate.

For navigation, you should follow these guidelines:

  • If you have a list or grouping of links within PageHeader.Navigation, you should utilize the nav type for this element.
  • If you’re already utilizing a component with a navigation landmark (such as UnderlineNav), you should not use PageHeader.Navigation as a navigation landmark.
  • If more than one navigation landmark exists on the page at a given time, you should add a unique label to each one. You can do this by either passing an aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute to PageHeader.Navigation.

Heading Structure

PageHeader.Title renders its content as a heading in the background and most of the time it will have crucial information about the page, so it’s important to ensure that you’re using it in an accessible manner.

PageHeader.Title is shipped as an H2 by default, but only if you do not pass a heading level to it via the as prop. You should modify the level of this component if the default heading H2 does not make sense with the existing heading structure on the page.