
A ProgressBar is a simple chart that can be used to show how complete something is, or visualize parts that make up a whole.

Page navigation navigation

React examples


With visible text value

Default to pairing the ProgressBar with text that explicitly shows the value(s) of the filled segment(s). Text values are not explicitly required, but should only be omitted when the progress is intentionally vague.

Accessibility guidelines

4 of 12
tasks completed

Multiple segments

A ProgressBar may use segments to represent multiple parts of a whole.

When using multiple segments:

  • Use colors that are easy to tell apart and include a legend that identifies what each segment represents.
  • Avoid overwhelming users by with too many segments. This is especially important for narrow ProgressBars. Consider a different kind of chart for these cases.


Custom size

The size may be adjusted to adapt the ProgressBar to different contexts.

Size options:

  • Small
  • Medium (default)
  • Large

The following example uses the 'large' size variant.

Custom color

The color of the filled segments of the ProgressBar may be customized.

More code examples

See the ProgressBar Storybook stories.


Loading data for progress_bar...