
The SelectPanel is an anchored dialog that allows users to quickly navigate and select one or multiple items from a list. It includes a text input for filtering, supports item grouping, and offers a footer for additional actions. Changes are applied upon closing the panel.

Page navigation navigation

React examples



When users search for new items, maintain their current selections and use a minimal loading state to indicate ongoing activity.

Grouped items

Items can be grouped to provide additional context or to visually separate them. Each group can have a title for better organization.

Items with leading visuals

Items with dividers

With header

An optional footer at the bottom can include a link or button for additional actions.


Provide visual cues to users when processes may take longer than expected. Use loading states to communicate results are loading. Use when retrieving initial data to prevent users from seeing an empty list.

Other label options

If the button represents the current selection, it must have an associated label, either internally (within the button) or externally (adjacent to the button).

Visually hidden label

Internal label

Custom (external) anchor

To use an external anchor, pass an anchorRef to SelectPanel. You will also need to manually toggle the open prop when activating the custom anchor.


Loading data for select_panel...