
The SelectPanel is an anchored dialog that allows users to quickly navigate and select one or multiple items from a list. It includes a text input for filtering, supports item grouping, and offers a footer for additional actions. Changes are applied upon closing the panel.

Page navigation navigation

Keyboard navigation

TabMove focus forward between interactive controls and widgets within the Dialog.
Shift + TabMove focus backward between interactive controls and widgets within the Dialog.
EnterSelect items in the list or activate buttons or links within the SelectPanel.
SpaceType a space in the input or activate buttons or links within the SelectPanel.
ArrowDownNavigate forward through items in the list. If focus is on the last item, ArrowDown moves focus to the first item.
ArrowUpNavigate backward through items in the list. If focus is on the first item, ArrowUp moves focus to the last item.
HomeMove focus to the first item in the list.
PageUpMove focus to the first item in the list.
EndMove focus to the last item in the list.
PageDownMove focus to the last item in the list.
EscApply changes and close the SelectPanel.